Minggu, 09 November 2014

The Pereption of Beauty

True beauty
is make up a mask ?
what is beauty ?
what makes one ugly ?
and most of all , what makes one trully beautiful ?

Hiiii everyone  !!

pada ksempatan kali ini , i wanna talk about the pereption of beauty .   ketiika seorang wanita percaya diri , menurutku dia sudah cantik, their beauty shine . sy percaya itu .
"make up can make me look prettier but definitely not beautiful" .
orang bisa cantik , tapi bukan hanya dari wajah , ketika mereka menghadapi permasalahan yang sulit dan mereka bisa melaluinya , its more than somebody look , they can be pretty dan be beautiful .. not just a person but in situation , you dont judge  , be stronger , you dont compare anybody , you just do the best to everyone ,

make up ? it be a "mask" . (im not ashamed to say makeup does enchance how i look) .
we all have physical flaws. nobody is perfect .

lets talk about , apa yang sudah Tuhan beri ,  god give us a body , so we have eyes nose legs and everythings okay ,so be gratefulll!  jd kalo kita ngeliat orang berpenampilan too fashionable , so what , it is their choice not yours . why judge ?

make up is an art that evolves . it is part of fashion . it is unpredictable ., it is their decision they have the right to do whatever they want .
make up doesnt hurt anybody's feelings , it isn't crime .

does it make you feel better by trying to stamp upon their confidence ?
how do you view yourself as a person ?

most of all , obviously its your life so you choose how to live it .. but i just giving you heads up .. you dont respect others , nobody will respect you .dannn kalo ga ada seseorang yang me respect kamu , kamu ga akan bahagia , you know why ? theres no worse feeling in the world than holding a grudge . Why would you tortre yourself by choosing hatred ?

its kinda pointless =s
You are only revealing your ugly and dark side . 

why would somebody who is truly beautiful want to respond to your bitterness and become ugly ?

aku mau bilang , kalian semua you're beautiful . be confident !

when i seea woman in the streek wearing an intense BOLD make up look , instead of judging her admire her courage , karena tentu saja , sebetulnya setiap wanita tdk ingin memakai make up untuk orang lain tapi dia ingin memakai untuk diri mereka sendiri , make up doesnt decide if you are beautiful, it expresses your personality , not just your look . Most of all , she is doing nothing wrong

help make the world a better place by being a better person =D

Stop worrying about having spots , not being skinny enough , not good enough ..

So in conclusion , make up helps me look "prettier" but it doesn't decide if im beautiful or not , infact it has nothing to do with true beauty at all , beauty is skin deep . It takes more than an exterior to be beautiful , You're beautiful . Nobody can take this fact away from you =)